SypherPrivacyTalks - May 2024 - Week 20

by Sypher - May 13, 2024

Welcome to #SypherPrivacyTalks — Your news and article roundup. Bringing you the top privacy & compliance stories of the week.

The European Data Protection Board takes a stance on the "consent or pay" models of major online platforms  • 4 min read

💡This article by Lexia covers the opinion of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) related to a question raised by the Dutch, Norwegian, and German data protection supervisory authorities on the validity of user consent to major online platforms, specifically regarding the purposes of behavioural advertising… read more

A new era of martech: Mastering data compliance in healthcare • 6 min read

🏥A useful analysis of the evolution of healthcare marketing analytics and navigating compliance challenges and implications, including for workflows involving data processing by external partners.…read more

European Parliament’s recruitment application compromised in data breach • 3 min read

💥An internal message was sent by the European Parliament to its staff on Monday 6 May regarding a data breach in the “People” application, which is used for the recruitment of the institution's non-permanent staff. The incident seems to have occurred at the beginning of 2024… read more

AI deployment: German DPAs issue guidance on data protection compliance • 8 min read

🤖 A summary of the key findings in the recently published guidance from the German data protection authorities ("DPAs") on the GDPR-compliant use of artificial intelligence ("AI") applications, and provides helpful direction on the selection, implementation and productive use of AI applications by businesses… read more

Tech firms must tame toxic algorithms to protect children online • 10+ min read

🛡️Ofcom, the regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industry, has published a draft of the Children's Safety Code of Practice. The draft sets out more than 40 safety measures, including robust age verification checks and the adaptation of algorithms by technology companies to prevent children from accessing harmful content. 
The draft is open for public comment until 17 July and a final Children's Safety Codes of Practice is expected to be published within a year… read more


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Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash